Positioning oneself for career advancement in the fast-paced commercial banking industry requires a strategic mindset, unwavering determination, and an ambitious spirit. If you are a Business Banker aspiring to transition into the role of a Middle Market Relationship Manager, you are likely seeking increased influence, a larger client portfolio, and a broader spectrum of responsibilities. This article elucidates three pivotal strategies that can propel you from the role of a Business Banker to a successful Middle Market Relationship Manager.


Deepen Your Knowledge, Foster Relationships, and Business Insight 

To start, it’s essential to deepen your understanding of the middle-market segment’s unique financial needs, risk management strategies, and growth drivers. You can achieve this by keeping abreast of industry trends through comprehensive research via financial magazines, business journals, and firm reports. Supplement this knowledge by partaking in industry-specific conferences, seminars, and online courses, with a focus on areas like credit analysis, commercial lending, and relationship management. These not only offer valuable educational content but also open avenues for networking with industry leaders. 

Networking is vital for success in the middle-market segment, as it relies heavily on fostering and nurturing relationships. As a Business Banker transitioning into this role, you should actively expand your network to include key decision-makers in larger organizations. Participating in industry-specific events, joining professional organizations, and seeking mentorship from experienced Middle Market Relationship Managers can expedite this process. Furthermore, leveraging your existing client base to identify potential middle-market prospects will demonstrate your proactive approach and commitment to supporting your clients’ growth journeys.

Lastly, thriving in this role requires the ability to exhibit strong financial acumen and a deep understanding of your clients’ businesses. This involves dissecting financial statements to identify trends, understanding the financial metrics critical to middle-market businesses, and being aware of macroeconomic factors and market dynamics that could impact them. Comprehending the potential of emerging technologies and developing a robust business acuity to understand your clients’ business models and industry-specific challenges are also important. By doing so, you position yourself as a strategic partner capable of translating complex financial data into actionable strategic insights, thereby delivering high-value guidance and advice.

Pursue Relevant Credentials

To further bolster your transition, consider acquiring credentials that are relevant to the Middle Market Relationship Manager role. Certifications like Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), Certified Bank Auditor (CBA), or Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) can provide a competitive edge by showcasing your commitment to the field and specialized knowledge. 

While not always necessary, these certifications can open doors in highly competitive markets. Earning these credentials often requires an investment of time and resources but can be a worthwhile endeavor aligning with your career aspirations and the demands of your targeted role.



The transition from a Business Banker to a Middle Market Relationship Manager marks an exciting evolution in your career. It necessitates strategic planning, an unwavering dedication, and a lifelong learning mindset. By deepening your knowledge and skillset, building strong relationships, demonstrating financial acumen and business insight, and possibly earning relevant credentials, you can set yourself up for a successful transition. 

Remember, the Middle Market Relationship Manager role is about adding value and providing strategic guidance to your clients. It requires understanding their unique needs, identifying trends early, and helping businesses navigate the complexities of the middle market. With focus, patience, and the right strategies, this rewarding career path can be yours. 

So, embark on this journey with an open mind, be receptive to new learning opportunities, and let your passion for banking and commercial relationships be your guide. Your success in this career transition depends not only on your knowledge but also on the relationships you build, the trust you earn, and the value you deliver to your clients in the middle market segment. 


Change is an inherent part of the dynamic banking industry, and one significant transformation that can occur is when your bank undergoes an acquisition. This transition brings about both challenges and opportunities for banking professionals. To successfully navigate this period of change, it is crucial to approach it strategically and adapt effectively. In this blog post, we will explore what happens when your bank is acquired and supply valuable guidance on how banking professionals can thrive amidst this transformative phase.

Understand the Strategic Direction

When your bank is acquired, it is essential to gain a deep understanding of the acquiring institution’s strategic direction and goals. Evaluate how the acquisition aligns with the long-term goals of the acquiring bank and identify areas of constructive collaboration. This knowledge will help you adapt your skills and ability to support the new vision and contribute effectively to the success of the merged entity.

Assess the Impact on Your Banking Niche

Each bank has its unique focus and specialization within the banking industry. As a banking professional, assess how the acquisition may affect your specific banking niche. Consider the implications for your clients, products, and services. Identify potential opportunities that may arise from the acquisition, such as access to a broader client base or expanded offerings. Adapt your strategies to leverage these opportunities and ensure continued success in your area of expertise.

Embrace the Opportunity for Professional Growth

An acquisition presents an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth. Embrace the change with a positive mindset and a willingness to learn. Seek out new challenges and responsibilities that arise from the integration process. Be proactive in expanding your skill set and knowledge base to align with the evolving needs of the merged institution. Embracing the opportunity for growth will position you as a valuable asset within the new organization.

During the acquisition process, actively seek information and stay engaged with updates from the management team. Attend meetings, town halls, and integration-related sessions to stay informed about the integration plans and timelines. Understand the changes in reporting structures, policies, and procedures. By staying engaged, you can anticipate potential challenges, adapt quickly, and contribute effectively to the smooth integration of the two banks.

Foster Collaboration and Networking and Adapt to the Organizational Culture

Building relationships within the new organization is crucial for a successful transition. Actively seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different departments and levels. Share your expertise and seek input from others to foster a culture of collaboration. Engage in networking activities and industry events to expand your professional network within the merged institution and the broader banking community. These relationships will not only support your integration efforts but also open doors for future career growth and collaboration.

Each bank has its unique organizational culture. Following an acquisition, be open to adapting to the cultural nuances of the acquiring institution. Understand and respect their values, work practices, and communication styles. Embrace the opportunity to learn from a new culture and leverage your experience to contribute positively to the organizational dynamics. By adapting to the organizational culture, you can quickly establish yourself as a trusted and respected member of the merged institution.

Prepare for Potential Job Opportunities Outside the Acquiring Bank

During an acquisition, it is important to consider the possibility of exploring job opportunities outside the acquiring bank. As the integration process unfolds, it is wise to be prepared and proactive in securing your professional future. Here are some steps to take:

  • Evaluate Your Career Goals: Reflect on your long-term career aspirations and assess whether they align with the new direction of the merged institution. Consider the potential growth opportunities, career paths, and prospects for advancement within the acquiring bank. If you find that your goals may be better served elsewhere, it is crucial to start preparing for a job search.
  • Update Your Resume and Online Presence: Polish your resume to highlight your achievements, skills, and experience in the banking industry. Tailor it to emphasize transferable skills and accomplishments that are relevant to potential employers outside the acquiring bank. Additionally, review and update your online presence, including your LinkedIn profile, ensuring it aligns with your career goals and highlights your expertise.
  • Network with Banking Professionals: Expand your professional network by connecting with colleagues, industry professionals, and recruiters both within and outside the acquiring bank. Attend banking conferences, industry events, and networking sessions to meet individuals from different organizations. Building relationships with professionals in the wider banking community can supply valuable insights, job leads, and recommendations.
  • Research Job Market Trends: Stay informed about the current job market trends in the banking industry. Explore the demand for specific roles, skills, and expertise that align with your career goals. Research potential employers, financial institutions, and other organizations where your skills and experience could be valued. Understand the hiring landscape and adapt your job search strategies accordingly.
  • Enhance Your Skills: Identify any skill gaps or areas of improvement that may be advantageous in securing a job outside the acquiring bank. Consider pursuing additional certifications, training programs, or educational courses to enhance your skill set. Develop expertise in emerging areas such as fintech, digital banking, or data analytics, which are in high demand in the evolving banking industry.
  • Prepare for Interviews: Brush up on your interview skills and prepare for potential interviews with external organizations. Research the interviewing process and commonly asked questions in the banking industry. Practice articulating your experience, accomplishments, and how you can contribute to the success of a prospective employer. Be ready to demonstrate your adaptability, resilience, and ability to thrive in a changing banking landscape.

By proactively preparing yourself to find a job outside the acquiring bank, you position yourself for a smooth transition if you decide to explore opportunities beyond the merged institution. While it is essential to contribute and adapt during the integration process, being prepared for alternative career paths will empower you to make informed decisions and pursue your long-term professional goals.

For more information on hiring in the Banking industry, please contact us here.

How to Build a Winning Sales Team in the CPG Industry

The consumer-packaged goods (CPG) industry is highly competitive, and building a successful sales team is crucial for companies to thrive in this market.

How important is to assemble a great sales team? A CEB survey of 5000 client stakeholders shows that a massive 53% of customer loyalty depends on the sales experience.

Here are some strategies that can help companies identify the right candidates, provide comprehensive training, create a supportive work environment, and offer effective leadership to build a winning sales team in the CPG industry.

Identifying the Right Candidates

Identifying the right candidates is the first step in building a winning sales team in the CPG industry. Sales reps with a proven track record of success, preferably in the CPG industry, are highly valuable and are crucial to building a quality sales team. However, it’s important to look beyond just their past sales successes.

In addition to evaluating candidates based on their sales experience, it’s important to consider their knowledge of the industry, including its products, trends, and challenges. Look for candidates who are passionate about the industry and can demonstrate a deep understanding of its customers and competitors.

Another key trait to look for in sales reps is emotional intelligence. Sales reps who are empathetic and can understand the needs and concerns of their customers will be more effective at building relationships and closing deals.

The right sales team is vital. Salesforce research has reported, “89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience.”

Develop a Deep Understanding of the Customer

To build a winning sales team in the CPG industry, it’s important to develop a deep understanding of the customer. This means understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points. By understanding the customer, sales reps can tailor their approach and messaging to be more effective.

One way to develop a deep understanding of the customer is to conduct market research. This can involve surveys, focus groups, or other methods of gathering feedback from customers. Sales reps should also be encouraged to spend time in the field, interacting with customers and observing their behavior.

Leverage Data and Analytics to Streamline

Data and analytics can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By leveraging data and analytics, sales teams can identify trends, predict future behavior, and tailor their approach accordingly.

You can implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system that can help sales reps keep track of customer interactions, identify opportunities, and measure their performance. By using data and analytics, sales reps can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to improve their performance.

Motivation and Adaptability

The CPG industry is constantly evolving, and sales reps must be able to adapt to changes quickly. Candidates who are comfortable with ambiguity, can pivot their strategies as needed, and think creatively to address challenges will be the ones to seek.

Want to keep your sales team motivated? Make sure to to align the sales team’s goals with the company’s mission and values. By creating a sense of purpose and meaning in the work, sales reps can feel more invested in the company’s success.

Build a Conducive Sales Environment

Creating a supportive work environment is essential for keeping sales reps engaged and motivated. This can be achieved through a variety of initiatives, such as team-building activities, social events, and mentorship programs.

One of the mainstays of a great sales environment is offering performance-based incentives, such as bonuses or commissions, that can also help motivate sales reps to achieve their goals. However, it’s important to make sure that incentives are tied to measurable performance metrics and are achievable with hard work and dedication. No one wants to chase impossible sales goals.

Celebrating sales successes and recognizing sales reps who go above and beyond to achieve their goals can also help keep the team motivated. Public recognition and rewards can show sales reps that their hard work is appreciated and can inspire them to continue striving for excellence.

Offering regular training sessions to keep sales reps up-to-date on product features, industry trends, and sales techniques is also essential for keeping the team on their A-game. Consider offering both in-person and online training options to accommodate the varying contexts of your sales team.

Leadership is Key

The people at the top set the tone for the sales team.

Sales leaders need to provide clear goals and expectations to their sales reps, as well as regular feedback and coaching to help them continuously improve.

This means leading by example. Sales leaders should model the behaviors and attitudes they want to see in their sales reps, such as a commitment to customer service and a willingness to go above and beyond to achieve goals.

Leaders should also be willing to listen and respond to feedback from their sales reps. Making an effort to understand the challenges that sales reps face can help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. A little empathy can go a long way.

Final Thoughts

Building a winning sales team in the CPG industry requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the unique challenges and opportunities of this dynamic industry.

By ensuring that sales reps have access to the right tools and resources, providing incentives for performance, fostering a supportive environment, and leading from the front, you can create a sales team that is motivated and empowered to achieve success. With the right team in place, your CPG business will be well-positioned for long-term growth.

For more information on hiring in the CPG industry, please contact us here.


Consumer packaged goods industry

Attracting top talent in the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) industry can be challenging due to the highly competitive landscape and the rapidly changing technology landscape.

According to research McKinsey Global Institute, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) could displace between 400 million and 800 million people worldwide by 2030. This is especially relevant for the CPG industry, where technology plays an important part in all levels of the business. To stand out as an employer and attract the best candidates, CPG leaders and hiring teams can consider the following tips.


Soft Skills in Healthcare

Healthcare is a field that demands not only technical proficiency but also a strong set of soft skills.

Soft skills refer to personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. In the healthcare industry, these skills are critical to providing high-quality patient care, fostering positive workplace relationships, and ensuring overall success.
